We learned that mailers were been sent out to Huntington registered Greens, designed to look as if they originated from a legitimate Green Party campaign or the state Green Party. We have not sent out any mailers this year to our Suffolk County members, and neither has the state Green Party.
In a misguided attempt to pull votes from Democratic candidates, Republican notary publics have misused the Green Party line and petitioned a slate of Green Party candidates on the ballot in Huntington.
Not to be outdone, Democratic notary publics managed to steal the Green Party line by filing petitions that have forced a primary for Huntington Supervisor, Superintendent of Highways, Town Council, and Legislature in the 18th District.
In the Town of East Hampton, similar primaries have been forced with a chance to write in candidates from other parties.
While New York State election law permits these actions, the Green Party strongly objects, since the Green Party reserves its line on the ballot for members who truly stand for our values. Opportunity to Ballot and related procedures are designed specifically to allow the larger parties to raid the ballot lines of growing parties like ours. Green candidates do not accept corporate donations, as to ensure that once elected, our officials will place the community before profits.
Most importantly we must point out the unethical treatment of Green Party registered voters. They are deceived by petitioners into thinking they are signing petitions for Green Party backed candidates. Those petitioning do not reveal that they are not Green Party members, and though by law they do not have to volunteer that fact, voters have the right to expect a higher ethical standard of lawyers and notaries.
We are being deceived with mailings from other political parties appearing to come from Greens.
To be clear, there will be Green Party primaries this September 12th in the towns of Huntington and East Hampton, and in Legislative District 18. The candidates that will be on the ballot, and the candidates Greens are being asked to write in are both being promoted by Democrats or Republicans in attempt to use the Green Party line to promote their own party’s interest, and are not supported by the Green Party of Suffolk, nor will voting for them help advance the Green Party.
But to our fellow Greens, if you can keep only one thing out of this whole ordeal, may this reminder stay with you: always ask if the petition you are signing is being carried by an enrolled Green and is for a Green Party candidate! If in doubt, contact the Green Party of Suffolk.
If you would like to find out how to get involved in our future campaigns, including our fight for Universal Healthcare in New York State, please make sure to sign up for our mailing list and like our Facebook page to stay informed.