Join the progressive movement of citizens working to spread the message of the GREEN PARTY! We are now screening for candidates who will run for local offices throughout Suffolk County! Brand-new to the idea and getting anxiety just thinking about it?
Don’t worry, nobody feels 100% ready the first time – come get your feet wet and learn about what it takes to run a campaign, along with a team of activists thirsty for change! When a group of ridiculously wealthy individuals hijack the Democratic and Republican parties, giving us an illusion of choice, Americans lose their freedom to elect leaders who will truly represent the working class and an ecologically sustainable future.
It all starts at the local level!
Important links:
Check your registration, find your polling place, see your election districts
Suffolk County Board of Elections
. . . Registered Green or willing to switch!
REMEMBER: You must be registered in order to vote. You may register if you are 18 years of age by Election Day; a resident of the county for at least 30 days prior to the election, and a citizen of the United States. If you have moved since the last time you voted, you must re-register.